Rich & Cindy
Rich is a native of Frankfort, NY and Cindy is a native of Miami, Florida. We met in Florida in 1990, fell in love and married in 1994. We moved to Chattanooga, TN in 2003.
Sharing a life long love for animals, we started our little farm where most of our animals are rescues and have their own stories to tell. We now have Llamas, alpacas, goats, sheep, ducks, horses, ponies, dogs, cats, pigs, chickens, donkeys and the list keeps growing.
A friend asked us to bring our critters to a birthday party and we loved the interaction between the children and animals. We found out quickly that it was extremely fun to share how each breed is not only different in their characteristics but also in the manner in which we care for them. We felt fulfilled, that we had found our calling.